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What is Personal Branding? Do You Know?

by ALLEYCEO 2022. 10. 4.

When people hear personal branding, they think that personal branding is the domain of famous people and influential people. However, I think we are a necessary tool to use to develop ourselves.



Personal branding is a steady effort to promote yourself in a way that builds trust and builds authority. Over time, you can use personal branding to position yourself as a leader in niche markets. At some point, you can earn income through your positioning.




How To Increase Your Instagram Following




What is Personal Branding?



You think personal branding is too difficult. Today's world starts with the Internet and ends with the Internet. So you can think of it as a kind of reputation or impression that other people think of me online.


What you post online, what you think, name, experience, knowledge, etc. are included in this reputation. This is your personal brand.


Whether you're an entrepreneur, a management, or a new business, depending on your personal brand, you have opportunities and you lose opportunities.


Personal branding is the process of creating such a personal brand. It's not that difficult to say.







When you create a personal brand, you can:


  1. Set the message and goal you want to convey.
  2. Be clear about your expression. The clarity of expression and clarity of thinking ability have good results.
  3. Do marketing using what you think is characteristic and technology
  4. Keep your online reputation active
  5. If you have a competitor, you have to do it a little differently.
  6. Create useful content
  7. Try interacting with others on social media






How to create a personal brand


  1. Look at your search results like corporate audits.
  2. Create your own space online.
  3. Define your personal brand.
  4. Now create your own personal brand through personal branding.







Why is personal branding important?


In a highly competitive digital world, personal branding is becoming a necessity, not a fear. People should get used to searching your name and looking up about you.


Brands are no longer for celebrities, influencers, or business tycoons, or representatives of big companies. Everyone and everyone in between us should try to build a personal brand.


These efforts can be used to secure investment funds, earn income from lectures, increase audiences, sell products, and even go on a first date.


But there's one important thing.


Please remember that personal branding is not necessarily about followers and likes. The personal brand is ultimately what people think of you. Of course, likes and followers can help your influence, but the important thing is how you look to others.




How to create a personal brand


I'll post a few posts a day from the beginning. Don't think about communicating with 1,000 people a day. The beginning is important. Manage the process by dividing it into smaller, easier-to-manage steps. You can split the time and fill it with what you can do in that time. Then at some point, my personal branding speed will increase and there will be people who trust me.


But the most important thing is whether my personal branding method is clear. One day I did what I ate. One day I did real estate. One day I did something about Pilates. One day yoga, one day investment method, one day young people's ignorance. It's not good to introduce you to Jung-gu heating like this. When you search for what you are and what you're going to search for, you have to start thinking about what you're going to search for.










Look at your search results like corporate audits.


Before you start brainstorming in your personal branding strategy, you should check to see if it already exists online If there are many similar types of people, it is not suitable to start branding from scratch. And I hope you avoid the branding that you want to do next time.


  • It's about knowing that it's a bad thing
  • excessive use of abusive language
  • incorrect spelling and grammar
  • Insulting others, posting provocative photos, etc
  • false information that is not true




Create your own online space


Now that you've compiled your search results, it's time to raise awareness on social media and websites. It's best to use all social media platforms, but it's hard to do it alone. It's very difficult to use only representative Instagram.


If information is delivered or documentation is the main beginning of branding, we recommend that you build a blog or website using a site that you can create for free.


When searching, the average person uses Google or Naver rather than the cost of using Instagram. So blogs and websites are essential.


However, it is also good to use only platforms such as Instagram and Facebook. I hope you find the right way.


When you try global branding, you should know that there's a platform



  • LinkedIn
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Snapchat
  • Medium
  • Quora
  • About.me
  • Pinterest
  • YouTube
  • Vimeo
  • TikTok
  • Tumblr
  • BrandYourself
  • SlideShare
  • CrunchBase






Define Personal Branding


If you have eliminated negative search results, created and defined a website, you should configure a personal brand.


Brainstorm various aspects of the brand, including what you want to be known as and how you want to make a difference in niche markets or industries.


Below is a good checklist to think about.


  • What am I offering?
  • What is my vision?
  • Why do you want to create a personal brand now?
  • Are you trying to make money from my branding?
  • Did you set a target for my personal branding process?





Now create your own personal brand through personal branding


If you've read the above, now you know what a personal brand is. The key to creating a brand is creating high-quality, unique content that can be ranked well in search results.


Create a brand using the following methods:


  • Unique content creation: If it is unique content that no one has created, it will always be a top exposure. But it's going to be hard to make such a post. Please focus on the posts that you can only do.
  • Be consistent: Post your content at the same time every day, or at a certain time and pattern.
  • Use a variety of features: For Instagram, use Story and Reels
    Communicate often: In the case of Instagram, communication is important. It is also a good idea to use hashtags to communicate with the same people or people who have recently posted similar interests.
  • Be positive: Many people respond better to positive and inspiring posts than to daily encounters of negative news.








in conclusion

This series of events is the completion of the personal brand. What you have to do now is start personal branding. Now build your territory online and let yourself know.







